
NVIDIA support on Ubuntu Linux 22.04.4 LTS

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I've been using Ubuntu Linux since 2004, the Warty Warthog distribution. It's been 20 years. Back then I had to do so much work just to get the nvidia drivers working I had to stay up late. One update and it broke.

In 2017 while working on some Kaggle AI competitions, I still had to use these unwieldy .sh files that NVIDIA shipped, one update and it broke.

Today in 2024, using the 22.04.4 LTS (Long Term Support), I literally installed a default Ubuntu Desktop on my PC and it auto-installed the NVIDIA drivers and everything just worked. To the men and women who work at Canonical and NVIDIA: thank you! To the anonymous volunteers, I am grateful for your work. You have just made my life way nicer and I wish I could give you a hug.

#gratitude #CUDA #linux